Sample txns:

Txn 1Txn 2Txn 3

Transaction data for the transaction ID is listed below. Each transaction on ClimateChain is stored in a private node. Transactions are put into blocks and linked together to form a chain. The link to the block ID below will take you to the block that includes this transaction ID.

Each transaction includes metadata (inlcuding a header), payload data, and proof. The metadata provides data about the transaction, the payload data is the actual data of the transaction, and the proof includes a hash of the full transaction (including the payload data) and a hash of the stripped transaction (excluding the payload data).

The payload can be a simple number, a string of text, JSON data that lists data as key-value pairs, and/or encoded data to store binary files (such as images or PDFs). This flexibility allows for a wide variety of data to be stored on ClimateChain.

Txn ID# 5a0bbd53-9870-4f72-a923-8c9a5b28784b

header: {

txn_type: Purity Test Results

txn_id: 5a0bbd53-9870-4f72-a923-8c9a5b28784b

block_id: 57225052

timestamp: 1718363477

tag: bulk upload of Zego test results


proof: {

full: FKZsLtXy+Rslrlx2wYmIHSTDPRFTeONZbyXw+3nz48Q=

stripped: MEUCIQDOKLt3gnooI5606pz1NqaWa5169TQnVfpQemhAs9I2UwIgTvVbfcRuZeOM05bOw0JlFTspirH13XtxhP6DG5Jcy/U=


payload {"MIME":"application/pdf","folder":"Muesli Purity Test Results","filename":"Muesli_Chemicals_spring_2023.pdf","company":"climatechain","client":"Zego"}

PDF link