Transactions are grouped into blocks. Every transaction that occurs within a 5-second period is grouped into a block that is added to your private blockchain on your ClimateChain node. This means an individual block could include anywhere from one transaction to thousands of transactions.
Each block includes metadata (including a header), a list of transactions, and a proof (or hash) of the block. The header includes the ID of the previous block in the chain as well as the proof (or hash) of the previous block. This allows you to traverse the blockchain backwards by clicking on the link to the previous block.
You can also click the transaction ID link to inspect individual transactions in the block. You can also click the button below the data display to see the block verifications, or what is called context-based verification which is the consensus mechanism of ClimateChain.
Block ID# 56471236
Header: {
Block ID: 56471236
timestamp: 1714594400
Previous Block: 56456422
Proof from Previous Block: MEUCIQD6kcgUvwtGtT/xhcFOk0/6/sl/yfqEyIGeirUOp9gySgIgZZDqS/gxNqOOqM8VxSPpyaxK4jkjeGgn01LKakz5omQ=
Transactions: [
ID: 9849add0-3820-44c4-a4ec-8ae2ac6685de
Type: PurityTestResults
Tag(s): Lab Test_Muesli Composite_Heavy Metals 042022.pdf
Proof (full): QAq7dDzbxwSLSUKeDM0DkCDe4UhQLHd/zkFS2IFa96Y=
Proof (stripped): MEUCIQD4SfrIlQyGHQ7FaK8riDeO46ohe+TPSfNQ+wFbndEaHwIgS999FWfLUU0vh7XwR0zqsIfFt+voDMBoi40o1yBCYqU=
Block Proof: MEQCIFkxt8Dn5/nHmUy+si4c+KLyOrDezNc3xma9o/rSB36/AiBYX2SVrmQvb+dG4optYhI5inmm0yQZBLjuzV17qjv4Jg==
block verifications